Tandem Prayer

Delivering Value to New Customers.

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Reaching a new generation of customers.

Tandem was founded as Prayer Power Ministries over 25 years ago by Jim and Kaye Johns. They had a very focused and powerful mission to help people and families discover the benefits of prayer for every area of life. Together, Jim and Kaye created a large library of content and introduced this library to thousands over the years through their teaching and coaching. Jim, Kaye and the Prayer Power board believed it was time to consider how it should adapt to the changes in our culture and advances in technology.

Positioning the brand for a new target market.

Wayfinder guided Prayer Power through a rebranding process to better position them for a new generation of customers. The team chose the Latin root for prayer, Tandem, as its new name. Wayfinder developed their new website, rebranded all of their content, and developed a digital marketing strategy to expand their reach and drive acquisition.

Driving customer acquisition through digital marketing.

Wayfinder’s digital marketing team worked alongside Tandem to manage their social media communications and digital marketing efforts. We established a set of digital KPI’s that are evaluated every month to ensure our work is producing the right results. One of the KPI’s we pay attention to is the total users to the website. Before Wayfinder began working with Tandem they had a total of 3,633 users on their website every 12 months. After Wayfinder took over their marketing efforts Tandem gained 9,324 total users within the first 6 months. We were able to expand the reach of Tandem’s message dramatically in a short time and introduce their content to a brand new audience.

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<  Samual Chiang   |   Brazen Animation >